The nasdaq bubble of new generation of science and technology enterprise
178 2021-09-07

By tech bubble? To this, we disagree. But what is undeniable is that the industry start-up boom in the number, and the fledgling successively obtain high valuations, and these circumstances really increased the difficulty of investment. Therefore, when investment subvert our innovation, a pair of eye is particularly important.

In fact, now situation of science and technology investment is completely new technology companies as a cash cow. Established relevant data show that less than four years of public technology companies after nearly nine times the formal valuation (record 40 years), and its corresponding old stock prices have surged.

In order to further study of this new generation, we have collected a series of listed (not less than $1 billion but not more than 4 years or is still privately owned) young information technology companies. (more than $1 billion valuation of the company accounted for more than 90% of the nasdaq stock market value.) Look first at the nasdaq new generation, a real star of tomorrow in among them, the next apple, amazon and Google‘s rising is only a matter of time.

A conservative estimate, the proportion of young company () in the valuation of more than $1 billion enterprise as a third, more than just the level of the late 1990 s. But there is a marked difference, compared with the peak in the fourth quarter of 2000:8% (or 6%), privately owned start-up number soared to 67, or about half of the enterprise under the incubators are privately held. And many investors may not be aware of the important trends, namely technology markets partially opaque.

The tech bubble, bubble or capital

Thanks to the generosity of the wind investment this injection (to 2014 year-end annual inflow of 26 billion), these newborn to as eye science and technology, capital is relatively abundant. Accurate, this is one of the largest a 14 years years inflows, the level of more than $1999 in 22 billion (though it is only half the landmark $2000 in 52 billion). At the same time, the stars make full use of such a good financing environment. Roughly speaking, in the past 12 months 82% of private start-up financing, the proportion is 62% from the same period last year.

At the same time, the financing channel is also gradually perfect, senior vc, diversified ecological system composed of the incubator and angel investors become the solid backing, private equity funds, of course, the source of the party (that is, to those who seek high returns) individual investors are also included. Can say, the financing main attraction is in contact with the rapid development of the next generation of enterprise based on Internet. Although the number of Internet companies on the public stage accounted for only 13% of all technology companies, but they are in the new generation of listed companies, 78% of the share for other types of companies.